Features of architectural and planning solutions, calculation and design of hotel complex «hilton» in batumi.
architectural and planning solutions, buildings and structures, landscape (view), function, feature, computer (digital) simulation, computer complex, bearing base and foundation elements’ strength, stability, reliability, bearing structures’ calculation.Abstract
Purpose. The aim of this work is to evaluate the proposed architectural and planning solutions and development of more appropriate structural system of the whole complex generally. The article considers current issues of design and creation of reliable and optimal structures of the hotel complex «HILTON» in Batumi at the same time. On the example of the complex under construction are considered optimal coupling between function and form, as well as strength, stability, reliability and cost of the building. The first option of the hotel complex «HILTON» in Batumi was a complex design schemes of various high-rise buildings, located on a single foundation and bears the permanent, long-term, temporary, short-term loads and external factors such as: the hydrostatic pressure of water, heat, wind, seismic load et al. This paper discusses various options for based on the relevant computer models architectural and planning and structural features and performed calculations, as well as shows the results of these calculations. Amendments made to the structural part of the project, not only improved strength characteristics of the buildings, but also had a positive influence (beneficial effect) on the architectural appearance of the complex as a whole. Methodology. This article is based on the submitted multi optional studies of the designed hotel complex «HILTON» in Batumi. The numerical investigations were carried out with the use of computer modeling based on multi optional analysis of existing design solutions as well as new versions created for the purpose of choosing the most suitable and acceptable option, both in terms of architectural and planning and design solutions. Findings. Was carried out the digital simulation of the complex structural system of the hotel complex «HILTON» in Batumi by applying the software program "LIRA". Has been analyzed the complex state of stress and strain of the complex different variants and fixed the most appropriate configuration of both architectural and structural features of the complex bearing frameworks and foundation. Originality. As a result of the application of modern computer technology numerical simulation of different variants of the complex architectural and planning and design solutions as overall, as well as considering geological and hydrological features and external influence the best solutions was obtained both in terms of architectural and structural. Practical value. Performed state of stress and strain analysis of the hotel complex, allowed us to determine the optimal size, shape and design features of the entire complex, bearing permanent, long-term, temporary, short-term, as well as external factors, such as the hydrostatic pressure of water, heat, wind, seismic, etc. and select the best option for both the external shape of the complex, as well as taking into account the structural features.
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