Implementing the concept of «sustainable development» in ukraine by use autoclaved aerated concrete.


  • I. V. Brynzin OOO UDK, Ukraine, 49051 Dnepropetrovsk, st. Commissioner Krylov, 7D., Ukraine
  • V. А. Paruta Department of Building Materials, Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture (OGAS), Ukraine., Ukraine


The concept of "sustainable development", energy saving, environmental safety, autoclaved aerated concrete.


Purpose. Implementation of the concept of "sustainable development" in Ukraine by the use of autoclaved aerated concrete, in the construction of low- and high-rise buildings and structures. The article describes the main characteristics of autoclaved aerated concrete, from the stage of extraction of raw materials and ending with recycling stage. Justified a broad introduction to the construction industry. Methodology. The results are obtained in the form of an expert opinion by comparing the requirements apply in accordance with the concept of "sustainable development" and the properties of autoclaved aerated concrete (physical, mechanical and environmental). Findings.The application of autoclaved aerated concrete for the realization of the concept of "sustainable development" in Ukraine. Originality. The development of ideas about the use of AAC which is an optimal solution concept of "sustainable development" in Ukraine. Practical value. An optimal solution to the problem of energy saving and environmental safety in construction.

Author Biographies

I. V. Brynzin, OOO UDK, Ukraine, 49051 Dnepropetrovsk, st. Commissioner Krylov, 7D.


V. А. Paruta, Department of Building Materials, Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture (OGAS), Ukraine.


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