The use of economic methods of management of labour guard


  • S. P. Dmitryk State higher educational establishment the "Dnepropetrovsk state agrarian-economic university", street of Ворошилова, 25, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • L. D. Ustimovich State higher educational establishment the "Dnepropetrovsk state agrarian-economic university", street of Ворошилова, 25, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine


law, method, terms of labour, management, economic aspects of improvement of the state of labour protection, problems of labour protection


The aim of work is importance of application of economic methods of management of labour a guard. Methodology: to expose essence of economic methods of management of labour a guard, their influence on terms and state of labour protection, personal interest of employer in their application. Decision of problems of labour protection in practice through are used various mechanisms among that a substantial place is occupied by economic methods.  Results of research of economic methods of management of labour and economic aspects of improvement of the state of labour protection a guard presently are very actual, томущо they touch determination of economic value of improvement of terms of labour protection in the market system of menage. Scientific novelty: the economic methods of management of labour a guard contain: дифференційні tariffs on social security depending on the level of productive traumatism, degree of harmful terms of labour, degree of risk of production; financing of labour protection; economic. stimulation. Practical meaningfulness: Accidents and diseases, the bad terms of labour very negatively influence on the economy of enterprise, his income and profitability. In the new terms of menage a wage-fund and financial stimulation fully depends on an income (to the profit), and that is why every leader and worker of enterprise is interested in warning of such cases. In addition, economic methods foresee payment of bonuses for absence of cases of traumatism and disease, and also for high.

To the general list of measures of economic management of labour a guard it is necessary also to take establishment of differentiation of tariffs on social security from industrial accidents and professional diseases  depending on the degree of ununconcern of works and harmfulness of terms of labour and level of production traumatism on a concrete enterprise, in establishment, organization.

The economic methods of management of labour a guard can be realized by:  creation of favourable terms is for crediting of measures and facilities from a labour protection; grant of tax deductions; introduction of such terms for investing of update and modernization of production funds, what obov''yazkovo would take into account the requirements of safety of labour and production environment; providing of functioning of the system of obligatory social security from industrial accidents and professional diseases on the basis of direct connection between the levels of traumatism, profzakhvoryuvanosti, to the state of terms and safety of labour and by insurance payments of enterprises;  normatively legal requirements, which regulate application of penalty approvals for violation of requirements of safety, hygiene of labour and production environment an employer; providing of the state financing of observant, consultative, dozvil'noy and basic research work assignments on questions a labour protection; financing of separate measures is on a labour protection on the most dangerous productions.

Author Biographies

S. P. Dmitryk, State higher educational establishment the "Dnepropetrovsk state agrarian-economic university", street of Ворошилова, 25, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

senior lecturer, Department of safety of vital functions

L. D. Ustimovich, State higher educational establishment the "Dnepropetrovsk state agrarian-economic university", street of Ворошилова, 25, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

associate professor, Departments of safety of vital functions


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Life Safety