Determination of rational thickness of heat insulation for multistory residential houses.


  • А. А. Nesin Department of Reinforce-Concrete and Stoune Constructions, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine., Ukraine


low-rise residential floating houses, technical-exploitational parameters, buoyancy, stability, design codes, heat loss.


Problem rising. Today the main consumer of energy resources in Ukraine is housing and communal services. Decreasing of energy consumption and improving of energy efficiency of residential buildings are the important factors in providing of environment security and the priorities of the state economic policy. Results of numerous energy investigations of multistory residential houses of previous years mass construction in Ukraine testify that about 68% of heat losses occurs through protection structures (45% - through the external walls , 22% - through the floors and garrets, 33% - through windows and doors) [2]. Therefore the first solution of energy efficiency improving of multistory residential houses might be heat insulation of external walls. One of the possible variant is facade system with frame of thin-walled zinc-coated profiles [4]. Objective. Development of determination method of rational thickness of heat insulation in facade system with frame of thin-walled zinc-coated profiles for insulation of multistory residential houses. Conclusions. According to the method of calculating the total (discounted) cost, the method of economic effectiveness assessment of facade system with frame of thin-walled zinc-coated profiles was developed. Rational thickness of heat insulation (eco-wool) in considered facade system was determined for different exploitation periods, the discount factors and the selling price of 1 GCal of heat energy.

Author Biography

А. А. Nesin, Department of Reinforce-Concrete and Stoune Constructions, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine.

junior researcher.


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Creating of high-tech ecological complexes of Ukraine based on the concept of balance (stable) development