Stress state bent frames, taking into account the anisotropy of the physical and mechanical properties of laminated wood.


  • D. V. Mikhylovskiy Department of steel and timber structures, Kyiv national University of construction and architecture, Vozdukhoflotskiy avenue, 31,03680, Kyiv, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • D. N. Matyushenko PPE "Mikhaylovskiy D.V." (DM Project), Lipkovskogo str., 35-a, Kyiv 03035, Ukraine., Ukraine


laminated wood, complex stress state, anisotropy, physical and mechanical properties, software, curved frame.


Operating experience curved frames confirmed that the most problematic place is the exterior aspect of the frame. But there was not a single case of destruction of the RAM not bisectional corner, which is recommended to check the strength in regulatory and educational-methodical literature, and offset to the connection bolts with rack-curtain unit. Therefore, to study the stress strain state is required to investigate the effect of anisotropy of physical and mechanical properties on the stress state that will ensure the reliability and security of curved frames in General. This study provides an opportunity to renew curved frames, which are the most promising design shape for frame structures, it needs to streamline its regulatory calculation methodology. Methodology. With the help of software system LIRA-SAPR 2013 proposed numerical studies taking into account the anisotropy of physical and mechanical properties of laminated wood. To conduct a search of dangerous sections to test the strength of curved frames of laminated wood. Findings. Analyzed the stress-strain state of the curved frames with respect to physical and mechanical properties of laminated wood. The influence of anisotropy on the boundary normal stress, tangential and radial (normal across the grain) voltage. Found dangerous section to assess the strength of curved frames and noted the importance of considering all components of the stress state in the transition zones at the joints bolts with rack-curtain unit. Originality. Numerical studies of the stress-strain state of a curved frames with anisotropy of physical and mechanical properties of laminated wood in the software system LIRA-SAPR 2013. Practical value. Recommendations on dangerous sections of the evaluation curved frames of laminated wood. The effect of curvature of the curved cornice Assembly of the frame to the nature of the distribution of normal, tangential and radial stresses. The maximum stress in the exterior nodes of the curved frame type DGRP (curved Rami with rack-curtain unit), for radii of curvature from 2 to 4 m, frames with spans from 12 to 65 m with anisotropy of physical and mechanical properties of laminated wood.

Author Biographies

D. V. Mikhylovskiy, Department of steel and timber structures, Kyiv national University of construction and architecture, Vozdukhoflotskiy avenue, 31,03680, Kyiv, Ukraine.

cand. sc. (tech), assistant professor.

D. N. Matyushenko, PPE "Mikhaylovskiy D.V." (DM Project), Lipkovskogo str., 35-a, Kyiv 03035, Ukraine.



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