Roof gardens and their socio-economic impact.


  • М. А. Miniailo National Technical University of Poltava named after Urii Kondratiuk,Pervomaiskiy avenue, 24, 36011,Poltave, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • О. І. Filonenko Chair of architecture and city construction, National Technical University of Poltava named after Urii Kondratiuk, Pervomaiskiy avenue, 24, 36011, Poltave, Ukraine., Ukraine


roof gardens, a fifth facade, landscaping, roofing, energy, ecology.


Using historical researches and counterpart foreign and national practice give prove to expediency of practice of usage the technologies for landscaping roofs of houses in Ukraine by the example of Poltava, which will substantively enrich the fifth façade of the city horizon. In Ukraine, green technology in general, and landscaping of roofs, in particular, have not received proper distribution, but the need to use them is an objective necessity, especially in big cities and industrial areas. The essence, types, ecological, economic, social, technical consequences of using the technologies for landscaping roofs were studied. Methods. The foreign experience of landscaping roofs was studied and it was proved that there is a need to use this technology in Ukraine, especially in industrialized regions and cities. Scientific researches of different authors, mentioned in the article, give the opportunity to state the main regulations of organization of landscaping, maxims, architectural, planning and design solutions for construction. Results. A partial solution to urban problems associated with urbanization, namely pollution emissions of industry, energy and transport, reducing the amount of green space, resulting in environmental degradation, population health problems and reducing of its numbers. The consequences of urbanization can be partially neutralized by using landscaping roofs and private multistory residential buildings, industrial buildings and other structures on the roofs of the city. At the national level, the question of stimulating the introduction of green roofs can be solved by providing tax incentives for homeowners who use the respective technology of the roof of a private house. Scientific novelty. Prospects for subsequent scientific developments of the outlined issue that will allow creating maps of individual cities and regions with a particular object, the roof of which can be reconstructed and landscaped. The practical significance. Based on the theoretical, practical, and foreign experience, the author proposes measures for promotion the introduction of energy saving measures and environmental improvement with the use of technology for landscaping roofs of houses.

Author Biographies

М. А. Miniailo, National Technical University of Poltava named after Urii Kondratiuk,Pervomaiskiy avenue, 24, 36011,Poltave, Ukraine.

master student.

О. І. Filonenko, Chair of architecture and city construction, National Technical University of Poltava named after Urii Kondratiuk, Pervomaiskiy avenue, 24, 36011, Poltave, Ukraine.

cand. sc. (tech.)


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