Analysis of macro conditions in construction environmental energy-efficient homes.


  • O. O. Koval Pridneprovsky Research and Educational Institute for Innovation Technology in Construction, State Higher Education Establishment “Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Chernyshevsky St. 24a, Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine., Ukraine


green building, Dowsing, geopathic zones, macro conditions, energy efficiency, Frame-energy network.


Relevance. Construction of environmentally friendly and energy-efficient buildings and actual demand in the economic and environmental crisis in Ukraine. At different stages of human development people have different attitudes to the process of organization of the environment. In the first stage, during the agricultural stage of development, our ancestors when selecting a site for the construction of houses relied on numerous factors affecting the harmonization of property and the environment. Later, when large-scale construction (between urbanization) basic factor is the development of infrastructure. Currently, the period of formation de-urbanization, environmental becomes popular, "green" construction. Attention is paid to the ecology of building materials used, the energy efficiency of the home, the quality of food and water. In addition to these important factors, there is still macro conditions, which also affect the quality of human life. In this context, the aim of this paper is – an analysis of the impact of environmental factors in the construction of buildings and environmental analysis of the regulatory framework in place of the test building for the presence of geopathic zones. Results. Formulated the problem of ecological construction. Scientific novelty - an analysis of the impact of negative zones in the construction of green buildings. The practical importance - formulated the principles of sustainable construction, based on an integrated approach to housing.

Author Biography

O. O. Koval, Pridneprovsky Research and Educational Institute for Innovation Technology in Construction, State Higher Education Establishment “Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Chernyshevsky St. 24a, Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine.

cand. sc. (tech.).


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