Problem of reducing construction duration.


  • Y. T. Dyachenko Private enterprise «Sense», Boulevard of Slawy, 4, k. 15, 49100, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • H. V. Dadiverina Department of Planning and organization of production, State Higher Education Establishment «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine., Ukraine


duration of construction, construction industry, building code, objects analogues.


Purpose. Analysis of the problem of minimizing the duration of construction and possible ways of improving the regulatory framework for the implementation of the world experience high-speed of the construction. Methodology. On the basis of the research found: - there is no single evidence-based modern methods of determining the duration of the investment and construction cycle and its phases at present time; - regulatory framework of construction is outdated and does not reflect the capabilities of modern construction technology; - analysis of the actual duration of the construction of production in practice is not well organized or completely absent; - the interest of the participants of investment construction projects in the reduction of the duration of construction is not fixed by law; - system economic and monetary incentives are not well developed. The paper presents the ways of solving these problems and identify areas for further research. Findings. The analysis showed that to solve the problem of minimizing the duration of construction it is necessary to use the system approach of identifying ways to improve the outdated regulatory framework construction, development of a common methodology for determining the length of innovative construction, taking into account the modern world standards of construction. Originality. The time factor affecting the economic interests of all participants in the investment and construction process, as long payback period of capital investment leads to complications of financing construction industry. Therefore, there is an objective need for further research aimed at finding innovative solutions to minimize the duration of the construction industry in accordance with the latest international standards. Practical value. Minimizing the duration of construction projects, improving the regulatory framework of construction, building code is an urgent problem, their successful solution will take into account the interests of all participants in the investment construction projects, as well as create an enabling environment for investment and a substantial increase in the volume of work on the construction.

Author Biography

H. V. Dadiverina, Department of Planning and organization of production, State Higher Education Establishment «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine.

PhD student.


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