Determination of the strength of steel-concrete beams with thermo impact with the boundary conditions


  • M. A. Verevicheva Украинская государственная академия железнодорожного транспорта, г. Харьков, Ukraine
  • G. L. Vatulya Украинская государственная академия железнодорожного транспорта, г. Харьков, Ukraine
  • A. V. Ignatenko Украинская государственная академия железнодорожного транспорта, г. Харьков, Ukraine


Determination of strength, standard temperature, fire protection coating


The paper proposes a method of determining the strength and bearing capacity of steel-concrete beams with external sheet reinforcement at the temperature and force action. We consider the standard temperature of the fire conditions in the room and a short-term loading. In the numerical implementation, as a fire-retardant coating, made plates Rockwool ConlitSL150 series. The calculations are made taking into account the basic conditions of loading and bearing beams, as well as non-linear dependencies "stress-strain" for concrete and external reinforcement.


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