An estimation visual terms of labour in educational auditoriums


  • V. А. Gerasimenko State Higher Educational Establishment «The Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University», Gagarin avenue, 8, 49605, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • S. N. Garmash State Higher Educational Establishment «The Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University», Gagarin avenue, 8, 49605, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • G. G. Runova State Higher Educational Establishment «The Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University», Gagarin avenue, 8, 49605, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • І. P. Kushnir State Higher Educational Establishment «The Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University», Gagarin avenue, 8, 49605, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine


a luminosity of working place, coefficient of natural luminosity, research, educational auditorium.


The visual terms of labour are determined by the quality and quantitative indexes of illumination. The mandatory member of productive illumination is natural illumination. The state of basic parameters of natural illumination during a light day is small studied. The aim of this research was a study of parameters of a natural illumination in the educational auditoriums in a warm period of year. The study of change of the basic parameters of natural illumination is conducted in the educational auditoriums during a light day. The measuring of luminosity was conducted by means of the luxmeter Ю-116. For the determination of coefficients of natural luminosity chose days with the continuous cloudiness according to the requirements of normative documents. Findings. The basic parameters of natural illumination in the educational auditoriums are not permanent during a light day. The luminosity and a natural luminosity coefficient of fluently increase to the middle of day and go down further, forming campaniform curves. The coefficient of natural luminosity corresponds to character of visual works in an educational auditorium during a light day. However an actual luminosity of working surfaces by a natural light during all light day is considerably less of normative sizes. In a gloomy day in the educational auditoriums objectively there is a lack of natural light. Such contradiction testifies to inadequacy of reflection of the real visual terms of labour by means of natural coefficient.  A study of changes of basic parameters of natural illumination was carried in the educational auditoriums during a light day in a warm period of a year. It is shown that the basic parameters of natural illumination substantial character change during a light day.  It is set that the coefficient of natural luminosity does not represent the actual state of visual terms of labour. At the same time luminosity of working surfaces objectively characterizes the real state of visual terms of labour and can be recommended as a normative parameter for the estimation of natural illumination.

Author Biographies

V. А. Gerasimenko, State Higher Educational Establishment «The Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University», Gagarin avenue, 8, 49605, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Cand. Sc. (Chem.), Ass. Prof., Department of biotechnology and safety of vital activity

S. N. Garmash, State Higher Educational Establishment «The Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University», Gagarin avenue, 8, 49605, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Cand. Sc. (Agr.), Ass. Prof., Department of biotechnology and safety of vital activity

G. G. Runova, State Higher Educational Establishment «The Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University», Gagarin avenue, 8, 49605, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Department of biotechnology and safety of vital activity

І. P. Kushnir, State Higher Educational Establishment «The Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University», Gagarin avenue, 8, 49605, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Department of biotechnology and safety of vital activity


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Life Safety