The inference of working experience and attained age on injury danger and morbidity in construction industry
construction, injury, occupational disease, age, work experience, Harrington scale.Abstract
Determining the influence of the value of work experience in the profession and the age of workers on risk of disease and produce work-related injuries in the construction industry. Construction refers to the "high-risk industry." At the construction site, more than 60 thousand people a year receive fatal injuries, and hundreds of thousands - getting health disorder. The reasons contributing to injury and illness should include experience in the profession and the age of the employee. Although it should be noted that age and experience clearly can not cause an accident, but may be a prerequisite of industrial injuries. For the analysis of industrial accidents used statistics on accidents in the construction industry of Donetsk region. The value of the retirement age has been determined using the verbal - digital scale Harrington. It was found that with increasing seniority in the profession the number of cases of injury varies spiked. The main peaks are observed for workers with experience of 1 year and with the experience of 5-10 years. The highest percentage of injured at a construction site between the ages of 50 to 60 years. This is likely due to the fact that the employee is beginning to think about retirement, and aims to secure a variety of ways a higher salary because the amount of pension will depend greatly on this. This can lead to an increase in work intensity, violation of technology, safety and, as a consequence, injuries. The development of occupational diseases to a greater extent affect the age of a construction worker. Prevailing risk factors is the development of lung disease. This is especially true for workers related to the implementation roofing, insulation working with cement finishers, painters. Calculated values of the levels of the age of retirement or transfer it to the work associated with a lower risk for the health of workers of construction professions for roofers - 50 years; masons - 52 years; carpenters - 55 years; mechanics - 59 years, and other specialties - 65 years. Indices age and length of service in the profession, who have the greatest risk of injury indicators on a construction site. The analytic dependence of risk factors for a variety of specialties. With the use of verbal and numeric scale Harrington found the value of the retirement age or change profession. The results can be used to develop strategies for managing safety at the construction industry. On the basis of mathematical relationships can be defined most rational age for retirement or change of profession for a variety of professions in the construction industry.
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