Study of changes in temperature and evaluation of internal air cooling time room with emergency stop heating system
microclimate, construction materials, walling, thermal performanceAbstract
In assessing the conditions for compliance with climate SDS "Sanitary norms of microclimate of industrial premises," one of the requirements to the parameters of a microclimate temperature of the interior air. To ensure the regulatory parameters of the microclimate in buildings in the cold season running the heating system. At the same time, as international experience shows in Ukraine has not yet resolved the issue of energy savings that lead to unnecessary use of coolants without temperature indoors and the heat loss through the building envelope. Therefore, it became necessary to carry out studies of temperature change of the internal air space while cooling off due to the heating system, which will assess the conformity of indoor climate and health standards, if necessary, manage the process and ensure the maintenance of its parameters. Theoretical and experimental studies were carried out on the basis of fundamental knowledge in the field of thermal processes and techniques for solving problems of heat transfer, modeling of dynamic processes, methods and analysis of random processes, methods of mathematical statistics and forecasting. Based on these studies and the resulting values of temperature of indoor air as a basis for assessing its cooling, which can be used to estimate the indoor climate in unsteady operation. The relationship of the dynamics of the internal temperature of the ambient air at a temperature gradient with respect to the temperature of the internal surfaces of enclosures that allows you to manage the process of maintaining microclimate parameters to achieve the critical temperature of the internal air space, taking into account work performed by severity and critical temperature for the operation of utilities. For the first time research has made it possible to set the time to reach the critical temperature and the microclimate of engineering networks for different types of buildings for different coefficients teploakkumulyatsii. Studies changing thermal properties of building materials walling calculation and experimental methods showed a high convergence of their (the error does not exceed 5%), which allows the use of the proposed experimental method for rapid assessment of thermal properties of building materials walling.
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