Mathematical modeling of air ion regime in premises at artifical air ionization


  • M. M. Beliaev National University of Railway Transport Named after academician V. Lazaryan, 2, akademika Lazariana str., Dnipropetrovsk 49010, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • S. G. Tsygankova State Higher Educational Establishment «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-а, Ghernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine, Ukraine


CFD модель, аэроионный режим, концентрационное поле аэроионов


Purpose. The providing of required air ion formula in working areas is a very important task in labor protection and environmental safety field. One method of solving this problem is the artificial ionization of the indoor air. Currently, there is a definite shortage of methods in Ukraine, which is allowing to obtain an adequate prognosis information to substantiate the ionization premises specific regime. Thus, the problem of special calculation methods creation, allowing a sufficient degree of operational efficiency to determine a rational arrangement of ionizers. Such models should take into account the aerodynamics of air jets in the room, the presence of furniture, equipment, transport of ions in an electric field – i.e. a set of factors that determine the intensity and shape of the field concentration of ions in the room. Accordingly, it is need to develop models for the prediction of CFD air ion regime in premises and work areas, which allows to take into account the most important physical factors that determine the formation of ions concentration field. Methodology. The proposed CFD prognosis model of air ion regime in premises based on the use of aerodynamics, electrostatics and mass transfer equations. This model allows you to quickly calculate the ions concentration field in the room and work areas with the influence of the walls, floor, ceiling and obstacles in the process of dispersion of air ions, the specific location of ion emission of different polarity, and their interaction. Findings. The calculated data on which to estimate the ions concentration of anywhere in the room with artificial air ionization was received. Ions concentration field represented as a matrix of values negative ions concentration indoors. The results are given in dimensionless form, where each number - is a concentration measure in percentage of the maximum concentration in the room. Originality. A new 2D CFD model for prognosis of indoor air ion regime, which is providing the possibility for a sufficiently low cost of computer time to determine the ions concentration in a given place in the room is proposed. Practical value. 2D CFD prognosis model of indoor air ion regime allows to calculate the ions concentration in the working areas of the premises, taking into account the basic physical factors determining the formation of ions concentration fields, which will enable the rational arrangement of ionizers in order to create the most favorable air ion regime for the staff.

Author Biographies

M. M. Beliaev, National University of Railway Transport Named after academician V. Lazaryan, 2, akademika Lazariana str., Dnipropetrovsk 49010, Ukraine

Dr. Sc. (Tech.),Prof., Department of Gydraulics and Water Supply

S. G. Tsygankova, State Higher Educational Establishment «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-а, Ghernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine

Ass. Prof., Department of Water Supply, Drainage and Hydraulic


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Life Safety