Hierarchy of graduation of complete identification systems for assessing the degree of comfort of the living environment of the population


  • N. V. Sysojlov к.т.н., доц. докторант, Ukraine


Hierarchy, graduations, identification systems.


It is shown that the full versions of the IS-K identification systems for assessing the degree of comfort of the living environment of the population of the USS SZN system are amenable to cross-hierarchical structuring and systematization based on a single generalized equation derived by the author for an arbitrary identification system formed on a grid in size [24xK] with a square in plan. Examples of calibration of the full versions of the IS-4 and IS-8 identification systems, implemented with the parameter K = 4, are given; eight.

Author Biography

N. V. Sysojlov, к.т.н., доц. докторант

Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture


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