Some environmental aspects of construction in suburban areas


  • V. V. Dem'yanenko к.т.н., доц., Ukraine
  • D. V. Dem'yanenko уч. 11 кл., Ukraine


environmental aspects, construction, support for flora and fauna.


When building in private ownership, both at the design stages and in construction, state control is practically absent. The current situation in Ukraine is not new for the European countries that have successfully solved the problem. The total negative impact of human life on the nature can be minimized, if the construction is done compactly, or with the allocation of a plot for building on the owner to consolidate the adjacent territory, in which he is obliged to carry out a set of measures to support the flora and fauna at the required level. And, of course, strict control on the part of the controlling organizations for compliance with the state standards of design and construction.

Author Biographies

V. V. Dem'yanenko, к.т.н., доц.

Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

D. V. Dem'yanenko, уч. 11 кл.

 Secondary school №43 in Dnipropetrovsk


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