Modeling the impact of impulse loads on protections of sports fields


  • D. S. Fesenko Department "Applied mathematics and information technologies". State higher educational establishment is the "Pridmiprovska state academy of building and architecture", Chernishevskiy of street, 24-а, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine



the Shock loading, Kinetic energy, impulse, LYRE, deformation of net


Every sportsman and trainer know that training is unthinkable without suitable for them territory. In order that training did not interfere with surrounding, the literate protection of the soccer field is needed. Sporting protections allow to create comfortable and ergonomics space, with a rumour use every meter of area. All protections (sporting and domestic) must be durable, that requires knowledge of their work at meeting with a ball. Purpose. The study of the stress-strain state of the grid and the work of the construction of the fence of a football field when sport equipment is hit in them. Such data will help to define her capacity and wear proofness. Methodology. The dynamic loading is loading, characterized by rapid time-history her value, direction or point of appendix and defiant considerable forces of inertia in the elements of construction. The dynamic loading test the details of impactors, such, as presses, hammers and т. of д. The details of crank-type-piston-rod mechanisms also test during work the considerable dynamic loading from the change of size and direction of speeds, id est presence of accelerations. Result. Retrieving football grid distortion data ( VAT) . All calculations were carried out in the software package "LIRA". Originality. The study of the impact of shock load on the fence, creating a model of hitting the ball into the net.  Practical value. Determination of mesh wear resistance under various loads.

Author Biography

D. S. Fesenko, Department "Applied mathematics and information technologies". State higher educational establishment is the "Pridmiprovska state academy of building and architecture", Chernishevskiy of street, 24-а, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk



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Computer systems and information technologies in education, science and management