Operational reliability management of petroleum reservoirs
petroleum reservoir, mathematical model, reliability management, diagnostics, technical condition auditAbstract
Purpose. In the framework of the current system of maintenance and repair of petroleum reservoirs to develop a method for constructing effective schedules for the technical diagnostics of these structures during operation Raising of problem. The content and frequency of technical diagnostics of petroleum reservoirs (RVS) are regulated by the current regulatory documents. However, from the point of view of economic efficiency, the relevant questions with regard to the particular reservoir (or reservoirs park) under the conditions of a particular petroleum depot require further investigation. Such a situation, which has developed in the practice of audits of the technical condition of RVS in service in Ukraine, requires the development of new mathematical models and methods that adequately reflect the essence of the problem of effective management of operational reliability of the facilities in question. Methodology.The article proposes a model of management of operational reliability of RVS based on the minimum of total operating costs, which is formulated in terms of the problem of nonlinear mathematical programming with binary variables. For the numerical realization of this model, a special algorithm based on the principles of constructing "greedy" algorithms was developed, using which economically rational intervals for carrying out technical inspections of the reservoir with a volume of 5000 m3, depending on the required level of operational reliability.. Conclusions. The proposed optimization model for managing the operational reliability of petroleum reservoirs makes it possible to form economically rational strategies for auditing their technical condition over a given service life. This model can be useful in the practice of planning revisions of the technical condition of the RVS both at the initial and at any other stage of the operation process. In addition, this model can be used in reliability problems both for individual reservoir and parks of such reservoirs.References
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