Combined use of projects expert, excel projects for projects management
software complex, project, managerial feasibility, variety of statesAbstract
An article aimed at substantiating the criteria for evaluating the managerial feasibility of investment plans for projects at the stage of their development using the capabilities of existing software systems Project Expert, Excel. Formulation of the problem. Standard programs aimed at ensuring the implementation of certain calculations for the development of project schedules use existing methods and models, but when new ones are developed, or existing ones are improved, they are not able to implement them. The presentation of the material. In this case, one approach could be an approach based on the combined use of existing programs, when the source data of one of them is the input to the other. The existing Project Expert software package allows you to build a work schedule within the project, calculate performance indicators, balance the need for material and financial resources, meet the conditions for ensuring the resource and financial feasibility of the project.Recent scientific studies have supplemented the list of factors of feasibility by a factor of managerial realizability, which is not taken into account in the existing capabilities of this software package. The algorithm for calculating managerial feasibility parameters meets the capabilities of Microsoft Excel, so the task arose of creating a system for calculating project feasibility factors based on a combination of these two software products. Conclusion. The proposed approach makes it possible to take into account the increase in deregulation in time.
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