Development of automated information-search system of accounting of confisced cars
internet banking, mobil banking, Integrated Computer-Aided ManufacturingAbstract
Purpose. To form an idea about the analyze the current state of automated banking systems, methods and tools for designing automated systems. The use of modern information technology has a cardinal effect and changes the business processes in banks, bringing them to a fundamentally different level. Banking technologies are inextricably linked with information technologies that provide comprehensive automation of business. The technique. Effective enterprise management in modern conditions is impossible without the use of computer technology. Information system - an interrelated set of tools, methods and personnel used for storing, processing and issuing information in order to achieve the goal. Results. In this study the current state of automated banking systems, methods and means of designing automated systems were analyzed. Scientific novelty. Improving cost estimation methods contributes to more efficient control of time and expenses in construction. Practical value. The development of computer technology and information technology allowed the creation of the majority of banks own computing complexes, on the basis of which were automated the main areas of banking activity. The deepening of the automation of the functioning of banking and other financial structures is accompanied by the improvement of the technology of banking operations and increased levels of controllability.References
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