Using automated design and project management systems in the building industry
software complexes, project management, scheduling, organization of constructionAbstract
The urgency of the problem. The construction organization today can not be imagined without a wide application of computer technologies and, in particular, computer-aided design in construction. Programs for designing technological processes in construction and design programs for the organization of construction and installation work allow the implementation of parts of technological projects, create technological documentation, solve problems in technology and construction. Compared with programs designed for design and construction, the design of construction technology, production of building materials and products, as well as the organization of construction have not received wide distribution and popularity in our country. We not only do not know foreign software products of this kind, but our own developments in this area are relatively small. The purpose of the work is to evaluate the importance of using modern software systems in the system of managing construction projects. Identify the weaknesses and strengths of the implementation of such complexes in the work of construction organizations. Statement of the main material. To solve the problems of management of construction projects, it is proposed to use a special class of software - a system for scheduling and monitoring the implementation of projects or otherwise a project management system. Consequently, these systems support the main processes of time, resource and cost planning and control based on network planning algorithms, the critical path method, the volume mastered method, and the like. The advantages of using the proposed project management system at the project implementation stage is that such systems allow you to store project targets in your project model and enter actual data on the progress of the project. Of course, the output calendar plan "floats". But the system allows you to see these deviations, assess their impact on the project as a whole, lose and choose the best response to the changes, if necessary, reschedule the completion of the project taking into account the new realities, promptly make changes to the project documentation. The project manager gets a tool in his hands not only to monitor the events, but also the ability to predict future events. At the same time, convenient, simple means of generating project reports make it easy to bring the necessary information on the project to all interested persons in the required form. Conclusions. The successful functioning of the construction management system, based on the use of software scheduling and control, depends significantly on the completeness and reliability of the source data. Therefore, it is proposed to use information systems that already function in various forms (accounting, budget systems, material accounting programs, etc.), within which much of the information already exists. It is also necessary to combine the information flows generated by different systems.References
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