Investigation of thermal flows exchanged by contact moving
exergy, mixing heat exchangers, hot water supply, thermal networksAbstract
Purpose. The aim of the research is to assess the water and sewage mixing heat exchangers' efficiency in hot water supply systems in the absence of waste water and the use of steam condensate in heat exchangers. From the previously known publications of other researchers, the results of the estimation of exergent efficiency (EЕ) of heat exchangers for the preparation of hot water supply along the chain are known: energy consumption of fuel - heat exchanger - the received hot water energy. In this case, cases are co nsidered: a) without the use of waste water; b) using waste water energy; c) using a heat pump.In this case, cases are considered: a) without the use of waste water; b) using waste water energy; c) using a heat pump. But at the same time, the exergy evaluation of the heat transfer process in the heat exchangers itself is not singled out, which was the reason for the writing of this article. Method. It is constructed on the basis of Carnot's ratios of obtaining the same amount of heat by a cold coolant to a given amount of hot c oolant. But because of the temperature difference in heat exchange, according to the Gui-Stodol's theorem, the loss of exergy occurs in the case of the return of heat, and when it is perceived by the cooler coolant. Taking into account the energy that is exchanged between "hot" and "cold" media streams in the heat exchanger at the contacts, ЕЕ were calculated. Results. It is established that in the "open" thermal networks the thermal efficiency coincides with the EЕ and equals one. For steam-water mixing machines, the EЕ varies within the range of 0.96-0.98 and depends on the vapor pressure and its saturation temperature. Scientific novelty. A thermodynamic model is proposed for estimating the exergent efficiency of directly constructs of heat exchangers with heat fluxes that are intermixed between them. Practical meaningfulness. If it is possible, it is desirable to switch to open heat networks for the housing and communal sector with water-water heat exchangers. With the impossibility of switching to open systems for individual heat points, the most exergent advantageous is the use of electric boilers.
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