Analysis of the system of organization of information on labor protection on building sites and enterprises of the building industry
traumatism, human factors, visual information, labour protection, inspection, reasonAbstract
Purpose. Improvement of the conditions for providing workers with the necessary information on the nature and volume of the organization of healthy and safe working conditions when performing construction work on the erection, reconstruction and rep air of facilities in order to reduce the likelihood of behavior of employees, which may lead to the emergence of hazardous productio n situations and unjustified occupational risks. Method. The article uses a set of research methods: analysis of literary sources; statistical method of information processing; method of expert evaluation; graphoanalytical method for determining the depend ence of the necessary information on labor protection on the number of employees. Results. Correctly organized information system on occupational safety will further reduce the level of industrial injuries in the construction industry. To increase the effectiveness of information tools on occupational safety, it is necessary to develop an industry standard, as well as recommenda tions that regulate the requirements for the development and placement of information tools in the construction industry. In order to reduce the like lihood of the behavior of workers, which may lead to the emergence of hazardous production situations and u njustified occupational risks, it is currently necessary to stimulate and create conditions for providing workers with the necessary information on the organizati on and the organization of healthy and safe working conditions. Scientific novelty. The dependence of the necessary information on labor protection on the number of employees has been obtained, which will allow organizing the information system on the construction site; A mathematical model has been developed that allows to link the number of emplo yees working at the facility (enterprise) and the number of information elements, the number of accidents and the availability of information elements. Practical meaningfulness. The structure of a system for informing workers on labor protection is proposed, indicating the location of places for optimal perception of them at the construction site. The "Labor Safety Organization Passport" is a methodical recommendat ion not only for the safe organization of workplaces but also for the system of information sign phrases in the form of modules with their coding and the regularity of their reading, taking into account their visibility, conformity to the events of the labor proce ss.
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