Research of the correlation between individual characteristics and functional reliability level indicators of railway operators


  • V. G. Brusentsov Department Occupational Safety and Environment Protection, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Feyerbakh sq., 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • О. V. Brusentsov Department Occupational Safety and Environment Protection, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Feyerbakh sq., 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • M. I. Vorozhbiіan Department Occupational Safety and Environment Protection, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Feyerbakh sq., 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • V. G. Puzyr Department Maintenance and Repair of Rolling Stock, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Feyerbakh sq., 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • M. Y. Ivashchenko Department Occupational Safety and Environment Protection, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Feyerbakh sq., 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine, Ukraine



railway operators, level of health, influence of personality traits, gender differences


Purpose:  To investigate the dependence on the level of railway operators‘ health, especially locomotive brigade workers and operational dispatching staff on a person's individual characteristics.  Methodology. The method of assessing the biological age of Kyiv Institute of Gerontology, the method of assessing the adaptive potential of Professor Baevsky, a psychological testing, the m ethod of multiple regression analysis.  Results. A large group of operating railway operators were surveyed. It was determined the level of health by the method of assessing adaptation potential from Professor Baevsky, also there was a testingusing the 16 -factor personal Quettel questionnaire (16 PF, Form A). Since in the indicator of adaptive potential includes my age survey, it was p roposed to change the metric age (from the birthday) to the biological. This is due to the fact that the rate of aging in different p eople is very different, and it can lead to significant errors. When attempting to construct a general regression model that would use all the factors of Kettel test, the results explained no more than 35% of the entire variation, that is, they were not representative. An attempt to construct a multiple regression model led to the fact that its significance did not exceed 40%. It was assumed that this type of addiction may have pronounced gender differences that offset the outcome in a mixed group. To test this assumption, a separate analysis  was performed for both men and women. This allowed to identify the connection of certain personal qualities with the level of health, which is determined by the indicator "adaptive potential". Personality features that influence the increase and decrease of this level have  been  revealed.  The  presence  of  significant  gender  differences  in  the  influence  of  personality  characteristics  on  the  level  of health was determined. To improve the accuracy of the definition of adaptive potential, it is proposed to improve the method  by replacing the metric age  with the biological one.  Scientific novelty.  The connection of certain personal qualities with increase or decrease in the level of health in men and women has been revealed. The method of assessment of adaptation potential has been  improved. Practical significance. The information obtained may be useful in professional selection, planning of personnel policy and in the prevention of health problems.

Author Biographies

V. G. Brusentsov, Department Occupational Safety and Environment Protection, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Feyerbakh sq., 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

О. V. Brusentsov, Department Occupational Safety and Environment Protection, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Feyerbakh sq., 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Ph.D.. (Tech.).

M. I. Vorozhbiіan, Department Occupational Safety and Environment Protection, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Feyerbakh sq., 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

V. G. Puzyr, Department Maintenance and Repair of Rolling Stock, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Feyerbakh sq., 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

M. Y. Ivashchenko, Department Occupational Safety and Environment Protection, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Feyerbakh sq., 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Ph.D. (Tech.)


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Life Safety