Labour-guard aspects of increase reliability of machines and mechanisms
safety, reliability, aviation technology, injuries, psychophysiological factorsAbstract
Goal. to investigate the dependence of the complexity of aircraft repair on the indicators of occupational injuries taking into account the physical and psycho-physiological factors of the occurrence of occupational injuries. The methodology consists in the process of accumulation, processing and analysis of information, which allows obtaining a definition of the occurrence of occupational injuries during the repair of aviation engineering. Scientific novelty of improvement of the processes of accumulation, processing and analysis of information, which allows to increase the efficiency of solving the problems of individual assessments of the state of structures of aviation equipment, aircraft aircraft fleet of the whole, as well as the problems of assessing the condition of occupational injuries during repair. Problems. This raises the problem of unified representation and systematization of complex information to ensure its further use in modern automated data collection and processing systems. In the process of operation of aviation equipment (AT) there is a degradation of its technical condition, which is due to the influence of the external envi ronment and load modes. The effect of these factors is accompanied by the appearance of various defects, the quantitative and qualitative parameters of which are largely determined by the technologies used in maintenance and repair of the construction. Practical significance Using the information extraction algorithm allows you to receive arrays of information that meet certain conditions or attributes. Data can be presented in the form of charts and graphs, spreadsheets, exported to specialized statistical processing programs, used in other automated systems. Analysis of the received information arrays allows us to: solve some problems of strength and reliability; to evaluate the production risks; have a visual picture of the after-repair condition of the aircraft; to increase the safety of work safety at aviation enterprises.
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