Influence of coke production ojsc «Dnеprokoks» on the state of air pool
coke production, dust and gas emissions, harmful substances, air pool, index of contamination, defence of enviro nmentAbstract
Purpose. Estimation of influence of dust and gas emissionsof coke production of OJSC "Dneprokoks"on the level of contamination of air pool and degree of his danger. Methodology. Сalculations of pollution indices for various emission sources and individual pollutants were carried out, determined their contribution to the general air pollution by the coke shop, the inte gral pollution index was calculated and, by comparison with its maximum permissible normative value, the level and degree of air pollution hazard were estimated. Findings. The exceedance of the maximum permissible level of pollution by 5 ingredients of emissions is established, the main of them are nitrogen dioxide, benz(a)pyrene and sulfur dioxide. Among sources a most contribution to contamination of air pool is brought in by emissions from flues, from the coke extinguishing wagonsand through theleakiness of doors of coking chambers; the index of contamination exceeds a possible level also for emissions at loading of chargein the furnaceand from the pipe of setting of unloading of coke without dust. Originality. The value of integral index of contamination of air the emissions of coke production of OJSC "Dneprokoks"is got. Exceeding by this index of normative value in 13,2 time testifies to the impermissible level contamination of atmospheric air the emissions of coke workshop, which, according to hygienic requirements, should be considered as very dangerous to health. Practical value. The set quantitative descriptions of contamination of air pool for different components and sources ofemissions allow reasonably to choose priority objects for development and realization of events on the increase of technosphericsafety of coke workshop.
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