System of higher education - the basis of an effective market of educational services




system, market, competitiveness, educational standards, net, service, quality.


Goal. Analysis of the system of higher education of Ukraine as the basis of the domestic market of educational services, the state and dynamics of changes of its main components in the context of modernization of education. Improving the quality of educati onal activities of higher educational institutions and the quality of higher education as important factors in the development of a competitive market for educational services in the field of higher education.  The technique.  The study of statistical data and the results of higher educational institutions, the identification of stable trends in the basic components of the higher education system: a networkof educational institutions, a contingent of participants in the educational process. Comparative analysis of the provisions of th e Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" and the results of their implementation to create a higher education system, improving the q uality of the educational process. Establishing the causes and risks that inhibit the system modernization of higher educatio n.  Results.  It has been established that the unreasonably lengthy process of creating the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Ed ucation does not allow starting the implementation of educational standards and higher education standards, complica tes the accreditation of educational programs in the manner prescribed by law and blocks the creation of a completed higher education system o f which they are. The lack of reliable, effective mechanisms for ensuring and controlling the quality of higher education leads to a decrease in its competitiveness in the educational services market, and the measures taken by the Government and the Ministry  of Education and Science to establish the NAQAHE, provide for its activities to start only in 2019.  Scientific  novelty. For the first time, the system of higher education and its components are examined in the context of the development of the market of educa tional services in the field of higher education. The novelty also marks the coverage of the negative impact  of the delay in the creation of the NAQAHE, one of the governing bodies in the field of higher education, on the completion of building an integrated system of higher education in the national higher education institution, effective, reliable and open mechanisms to ensure its quality control. Practical significance.  The elimination of the causes identified and the risks taken into account that slow down the process of modernizing education will accelerate the formation of a coherent system of higher education as a basic component of the educational services market in higher education. The earliest possible creation and organization of its activities will contribute to  the improvement of the quality of educational activities of the HEI and the construction of an effective market for services in higher education.

Author Biographies

E. V. Dashkovskaya, DNU "Institute for the modernization of the content of education", st. Metropolitan Vasily Lipkovsky, 36, Kiev, Ukraine.

Ph.D. (Chem.), Assoc. Prof.

V. P. Pogrebnyak, DNU "Institute for the modernization of educational content", st. Metropolitan Vasily Lipkovsky, 36, Kiev, Ukraine.

Ph.D. (Tech.), Prof.


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