Mathematical model of labor protection system in construction industry
performance of the system of labor protection, labor safety subsystems, evaluation indicators, risk, mathematical model, occupational injuries, modelingAbstract
Purpose. Evaluation the performance of the labor protection system in the construction industry. Method. The methodology for assessing the performance of the labor protection system is worked out; indicators of evaluation of its subsystems are determined. Results. The article describes the construction the mathematical model of labor protection system in the construction industry, the performance of which functioning is determined taking into account the results of the functioning of its subsystems. To assess the performance of the functioning of the technical, organizational and sanitary-hygienic subsystems of the labor protection system, a system of "employer-worker-workplace" and a methodology for evaluating each subsystem with the use of indicators determining the level of compliance by the worker and the employer with the requirements of normative acts on occupational safety are developed. The aggregate and most influential indicators, that characterize the performance each subsystems of the security system, have been established. The managing and managed factors were identified; the most influential ones were highlighted. The risk of accidents in the construction industry was quantified, taking into account the level of compliance with the labor protection regulations by the worker and the employer. The mathematical model of the labor protection system in the construction industry has been built. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the effectiveness of the functioning of the labor protection system in the construction industry was studied and evaluated. Practical significance. The proposed methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the functioning the labor protection system, which includes a quantitative assessment of the performance of each of its subsystem, allows to obta ined use the results of scientifically-based measures to increase the performance of the functioning of the labor protection system in the construction industry.
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