Assessment of technological risk when emissing hazardous substances to the atmosphere
territorial risk, chemical pollution, numerical simulation, air pollutionAbstract
Purpose. Development of a numerical method for assessing territorial risk in open areas and inside buildings in the event of a release of a chemically hazardous substance. Methodology. To describe the process of dispersion of a chemical agent, in case of release of a chemically hazardous substance, the two-dimensional equation of convective-diffusive dispersion of the pollutant in the atmospheric air is used. The equation takes into account the parameters of the meteorological situation, the intensity of the emission of a chemical agent, the presence of buildings near the place of emission of a chemically dangerous substance. For the numerical integration of the modeling equation, an implicit alternating triangular difference scheme is used. To model the wind flow in the presence of buildings, a potential flow model is used. To solve the Laplace equation for the velocity potential, the total approximation method is used. A feature of the developed numerical model is the possibility of assessing the territorial risk, in the event of a release of a chemically hazardous substance, under various weather conditions and the presence of buildings. Findings. A specialized set of programs has been developed that can be used to assess the territorial risk in the event of the release of a che mically hazardous substance at industrial sites. The method can be implemented on computers of low and medium power, which allows it to b e widely used to solve problems of this class. The results of a computational experiment are presented, allowing to evaluate the possibilities of the proposed method of assessing the territorial risk in the event of a release of a chemically dangerous substan ce. Originality. An effective method for assessing the territorial risk in the event of a release of a chemically hazardous substance on the industrial site is proposed. The method can be used to assess territorial risk in urban areas, which allows to obtain adequate data on the possible affected areas, both in open areas and indoors. The method is based on the numerical integration of the mass transfer equation and the Laplace equation for the velocity potential. Practical value. The proposed method of assessing the territorial risk in the event of a release of a chemically hazardous substance with the use of a chemical agent at industrial sites. The method can be used to calculate the affected areas near administrative buildings, centers and other socially significant objects.
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