Methodology of reduction of levels of electromagnetic fields in conditions of transition to international standards of electromagnetic compatibility


  • L. O. Levchenko Department of Automation of Design of Power Processes and Systems, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Peremohy ave., 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • O. V. Panova Department of Physics, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Povitroflotsky ave., 31, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • O. M. Tykhenko Department of Ecology, National Aviation University, Kosmonavtat Komarova ave., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • O. V. Khodakovsky Department of Automation of Design of Power Processes and Systems, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Peremohy ave., 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine



electromagnetic fields, radiation, shielding, international standards, electromagnetic compatibility, technical means


Purpose. Reducing the effects of electromagnetic fields and radiation, considering the electromagnetic compatibility of technical means in the production environment with  work of electronic and electrical equipment.  Methodology.  Field studies were performed to determine the actual spectral composition of the electric and magnetic fields in the medium and their physical comp onent quantities. Received complete information on  the frequency change at the appropriate voltage depending on the change in the di stance to the radiation source. Results. The disadvantages are defined regarding the lack of experimental data on the critical levels of sources of electromagnetic fields in accordance with modern regulatory documents on electromagnetic safety, considering international standards. A technique has been developed for determining the electromagnetic compatibility of technical means and reducing the overall level of the electromagnetic field in production, taking into account international standards for electromagnetic safety. Scientific novelty.  Improvement of the screening technique of electromagnetic fields of individual technical facilities or premises to maintain their electromagnetic characteristics at the normative level, considering the combined effect of technical means for various purposes by registering the frequency-amplitude characteristics of the electromagnetic field. As a result, the best-in-value reflection coefficients of protective screens were obtained, which reduces the increase in electromagnetic background due to reflection and reflection of electromagnetic waves under conditions of significant levels of electromagnetic fields and ultrahigh -frequency radiation, taking into account the norms of current international standards. Practical significance: The proposed instrumentation and ma terial for shielding allows you to change the shielding coefficients and the overall electromagnetic environment for the environmen t and working people from ultra-high and high frequency sources and is consistent with current international standards.  Practical meaningfulness.  The proposed approach for determining the electromagnetic environment allows us to determine the  sources of electromagnetic influences on people and work equipment. It also allows streamlining the work for providing electromagnetic safet y and electromagnetic compatibility of technical facilities.

Author Biographies

L. O. Levchenko, Department of Automation of Design of Power Processes and Systems, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Peremohy ave., 37, Kyiv, Ukraine

Ph.D. (Econom.), Assoc. Prof

O. V. Panova, Department of Physics, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Povitroflotsky ave., 31, Kyiv, Ukraine

Ph.D. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof

O. M. Tykhenko, Department of Ecology, National Aviation University, Kosmonavtat Komarova ave., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine

Ph.D. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof

O. V. Khodakovsky, Department of Automation of Design of Power Processes and Systems, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Peremohy ave., 37, Kyiv, Ukraine

Ph.D. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof


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