Experimental testing of isolating properties of dust half masks


  • V. Ye. Kolesnik Department of Ecology and Technologies of Environmental Protection, Dnipro University of Technology, 19 Dmytro Yavornitski, build. 10, room. 705, Dnipro, Ukraine, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2349-3576
  • S. I. Cheberyachko Department of Aerology and Labour Protection, Dnipro University of Technology, 19 Dmytro Yavornitski, build. 10, room. 705, Dnipro, Ukraine, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3281-7157
  • D. І. Radchuk Department of Aerology and Labour Protection, Dnipro University of Technology, 19 Dmytro Yavornitski, build. 10, room. 705, Dnipro, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • O. Yu. Nesterova Translation Department, Dnipro University of Technology, 19 Dmytro Yavornitski, build. 4, room. 7058, Dnipro, Ukraine, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5952-4664




dust mask, isolating properties of half mask, total inward leakage and inward leakage of aerosols


Purpose. To study isolating properties of dust half masks with different head harness design, including total inward leakage and inward  leakage  for  aerosols.  Methods.  The  experimental  testing  of  half  masks  was  carried  out  using  the  specific  laboratory  benchand involving volunteer test persons. According to the ДСТУ EN 140 the testing procedure included total inward leakage and inwardleakage  determination  for  half  mask  using  testing  sodium  chloride  aerosol  under  the  conditions  close to production.  Results.  Therelation  was  established  for  half  masks  isolating  properties  and  total  inward  leakage  and  inward  leakage  of  aerosols  under  the  mask with respect to influence of various producton activities and head harness design resulting in changes of hold down pressure for mask and face. It was proved that in case of full inspiration, speaking or body bents of test persons during the experiments the total inward leakage increased resulting from  occurrence of additional gaps of half  mask  face seal because of hold down pressure changes for the proper half mask parts and its shifts. It was demonstrated that the lowest total inward leakage was peculiar to the half mask combined  with neck face mask. Scientific novelty.  It  was  stated  that  aerosol  total  inward  leakage  under  the  mask  depends  on  the  location  of head harness anchored points and the direction of produced by it hold down force causing rotational moment, which makes influence on the half mask, and creating the system of tangential and normal forces to a face. The forces cause mask shifts and gaps resulting in aerosol  leakage  under  the  mask  in  the  process  of  breathind  during  the  production  activities  performing.  Practical  significance  is described by the determination of protective efficiency of half masks of different head harness design.

Author Biographies

V. Ye. Kolesnik, Department of Ecology and Technologies of Environmental Protection, Dnipro University of Technology, 19 Dmytro Yavornitski, build. 10, room. 705, Dnipro, Ukraine

D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof

S. I. Cheberyachko, Department of Aerology and Labour Protection, Dnipro University of Technology, 19 Dmytro Yavornitski, build. 10, room. 705, Dnipro, Ukraine

D. Sc. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof.

D. І. Radchuk, Department of Aerology and Labour Protection, Dnipro University of Technology, 19 Dmytro Yavornitski, build. 10, room. 705, Dnipro, Ukraine

Ph.D. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof

O. Yu. Nesterova, Translation Department, Dnipro University of Technology, 19 Dmytro Yavornitski, build. 4, room. 7058, Dnipro, Ukraine

Ph.D (Education)


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Life Safety