The role of the geographic factor in the solution of the tasks of civil protection
geographical factor, geography, emergency, discipline "Geography of emergency situations of Ukraine."Abstract
Purpose. The question of the need to study the influence of the geographical factor on the prediction and assessment of emergency situations, the practical activities of government bodies, forces and facilities of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. Method. Analysis and synthesis in the context of the study of literature and official materials on the problems of geographical factor and geography in the context of forecasting and evaluating possible emergencies. Results. A new direction in the field of civil protection is substantiated: Investigation of the influence of the geographic factor on the forecasting and evaluation of emergency situ ations, the activities of government bodies, forces and facilities of the State Service of Ukraine; its approximate plan (content) is presented. Scientific novelty. The novelty is the problem of the geographic factor and geography of emergency situations, bringing them to the rank of a scientific discipline and subject matter when training specialists in the field of civil protection. Practical meaningfulness. Practical consideration of the influence of the geographical factor (conditions) is impossible without a scientific approach and without training specialists in educational institutions, as well as without conducting special scientific research on a special methodology for studying and practical application of this knowledge of geographical conditions (geographical factors).
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