Major regulatory documents and requirements for transportation by railway transport of radioactive materials
dangerous goods radioactive materials, railway transport, danger sign, transportation of radioactive materials, cargo, vehicle, dose leveAbstract
Purpose. safe transportation, prevention and prevention of emergency situations that occur in practice during transportation, transportation, transshipment, transfer and storage of radioactive substances, compounds and materials and may carry a potential (actual) threat of radioactive contamination of the earth, water and air. The technique. In carrying out the research, an analytical review of the main regulatory legal acts on the safe transportation of radioactive material railway transport was carried out. Results. The authors determined a safe method for the transport of radioactive goods by rail. A number of regulatory documents were analyzed that determine the safe transportation, prevention and prevention of emergencies that occur in practice during transportation, transportation, transshipment, haul and storage of radioactive substances, compounds and materials and may carry a potential (actual) threat of radioactive contamination of the earth, water and air. Scientific novelty. It has been determined that the current prophylactic standard in the practice of rail transportation is full information about dangerous radioactive cargo (material) and regulatory and instructive requirements regarding the actions of personnel in the transport of radioactive materials in the event of an emergency or damage to the cargo. Practical significance. A safe methodology has been formulated for the transport of radioactive goods by rail according to which the prophylactic standard in the practice of rail transport is complete information about the dangerous radioactive cargo (material) and regulatory and instructive requirements regarding the actions of personnel in the transport of radioactive materials in the event of an emergency or damage to the cargo. which may allow safer transportation of dangerous goods.
The Law of Ukraine "On the Transport of Dangerous Goods".
DSTU 4500-3: 2008 Cargo is dangerous. Classification.
DSTU 4500-5: 2005 Cargo is dangerous. Marking
"Rules of Road Transport of Dangerous Goods";
"Convention on International Carriage by Rail (COTIF)";
"Regulations for the carriage of dangerous goods by rail".
Regulations on nuclear and radiation safety in the transport of radioactive materials (PBPMM-2006), approved by order of the State Committee for Nuclear Regulation of Ukraine dated August 30, 2006, No. 132.
Regulation on the procedure for the carriage of radioactive materials by the territory of Ukraine, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 15.10.2004 No. 1373,
"Basic sanitary rules for radiation safety of Ukraine", approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 54 dated February 2, 2005.
Safety rules and procedures for liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations with dangerous goods during transportation by rail, approved by the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine No. 567 dated 16.10.2000.
Regulation on planning of actions and actions in the event of accidents during transportation of radioactive materials, approved by the order of the State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine of April 7, 2005, No. 38
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