The terms and labour protection during the reconstruction of the engineering networks by the open method


  • A. A. Klimenko Department of safety of vital functions, State Higher Education Establishment ―Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture‖, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipro, Ukraine



reconstruction, labour protection, site area, safety of production of works, trench, engineering networks, powershovel


Raising of problem. The greatest part of all engineering networks in Ukraine is laid many years ago . That ҆s why, It is necessary the permanent supervision after their integrity and conducted the works from their renewal, repair and reconstruction.  The works of the reconstruction of the  engineering networks, wich laid under ground as a rule conducted by the traditional open method.   This processes  is very  dangerous,  becouse the factor of external and internal straitened of site areas is present .  That ҆s why , the development  of  engineering  constructions  for  this  tipe  of  works  is  acute  scientific  problem  now  [1,  2,  3,  4].    Purpose.  The terms  ҆ improvement and the  labour protection  ҆ increase during the reconstruction of the engineering networks by the open  method.  Conclusions. 1. The problem of the terms ҆   ҆ improvement and the labour protection ҆ increase during the reconstruction of the engineeringnetworks  by  the  open  method  is  actual  today.  2.  Development  of  engineering  constructions  of  the  working  equipment  of  powershovels is a necessary task that is represented on the indexes of safety and labour productivity. 3. The improved constructions of the working equipment for power-shovels were offered [8].

Author Biography

A. A. Klimenko, Department of safety of vital functions, State Higher Education Establishment ―Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture‖, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipro

Ph.D. (Tech), Assoc. Prof


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Life Safety