Studying the stability of mining operations under the conditions of deep mines


  • S. V. Podkopaiev Department of Mineral Deposits, Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine
  • I. V. Yordanov Department of Mineral Deposits, Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine
  • A. V. Andrieieva Department оf Labor Protection, Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine
  • D. A. Chepiga Department of Mineral Deposits, Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine
  • A. V. Polozhii Department of Mineral Deposits, Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine
  • Y. I. Simonova Department of Mineral Deposits, Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine



side rocks, preparatory development, backfill array, method of protection


Purpose. Study of the sustainability of mining in the conditions of deep mines for the development of solutions to improve the safety of  miners.  Method.  A comprehensive  research  method is used, including the analysis of publications, laboratory  studies on  models of optical and equivalent materials, the mining experiment and the processing of experimental data.  Results.  It  has been established that when determining the size of lateral rocks displacements in reservoir preparatory workings when protected by compliant structures, their rigidity at constant load can be considered variable in time, until complete compression of the pliable support. When p rotecting the workings with the pillars of coal, the change in their rigidity occurs in a linear relationship Scientific novelty. When studying the stability  of  mine  workings  in  deep  mine  conditions,  it  is  proposed  to  evaluate  the  effectiveness  of  methods  used  to  protect  reservoir development workings by the approximation value of the haulage contour, taking into account changes in the rigidity of security structures while maintaining the output behind the lava. Practical meaningfulness. When working on sloping and steep seams at great depths, one should focus on protecting reservoir haulage drifts with wide pliable supports or laying out of the space developed, as a way  to control the roof in the longwall, which will keep the local preparatory mine workings and increase the safety of mining operations.

Author Biographies

S. V. Podkopaiev, Department of Mineral Deposits, Donetsk National Technical University

D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.,

I. V. Yordanov, Department of Mineral Deposits, Donetsk National Technical University

Ph.D. (Tech.)

A. V. Andrieieva, Department оf Labor Protection, Donetsk National Technical University

Ph.D. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof

D. A. Chepiga, Department of Mineral Deposits, Donetsk National Technical University

Doctoral Student

A. V. Polozhii, Department of Mineral Deposits, Donetsk National Technical University

Doctoral Student.

Y. I. Simonova, Department of Mineral Deposits, Donetsk National Technical University

Doctoral Student.


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Life Safety