Research of dumps with destruction of building
liquidation of the consequences of extraordinary situations, destroyed buildings, gas explosion, d ebris, blockagesAbstract
Purpose. To conduct research and to establish the patterns of formation of debris in adjacent areas of objects in the explosion of gas-air mixtures. Method. Developing a method for identifying risks Increasing the duration of an hour of the process of eliminating a collapse at an object Using the main provisions of the Theory of Reliability on the development of functional mo dels of the risks of each technological operation of the process of disposal of the fallout. Results. The efficiency and safety of technological processes on the elimination of debris in the territory after the collapse of buildings and structures, taking into account the type of buildings. The presented calculation schemes and mathematical dependences of the occurrence of blockages in the explosion of gas in buildings of different types. Scientific novelty. Dependencies are established taking into account the design of buildings, debris, the mass of debris and the distance of their placement, which allows at the initial stage to identify machines and equipment for the elimination of the consequences of emergency. Practical meaningfulness. The conducted studies allow to predict the formation of blockages, taking into account the structural especially buildings and structures. Taking into account, in particular, the formation of debris and debris of their placement from the object allow to carry out the selection of machines and equipment, taking into account the stages of execution of works on the elimination of debris.
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