Hypermedia training system «architecture of civil and public buildings»


  • N. M. Ershova Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies. Pridniprovsk State higher educational institution «Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», Chernyshevsky str., 24-a, Dnіprо, 49600, Ukraine
  • E. E. Litvin Department of Architecture. State higher educational institution «Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», Chernyshevsky str., 24-a, Dnіprо, 49600, Ukraine




training system, hypertext database, hypermedia system, architecture, civil and public buildings, information models of layouts


Purpose of the article. It has been established that a user of computer-aided design (CAD) can effectively solve his tasks only with the active help of a computer. An additional means of enhancing the user's cognitive activity are automatic training system (ATS). They are a complex of software-hardware and educational tools that provide active individual assistance to the user. All people over the world are engaged in the development of such systems nowadays. Therefore, the task of creating CAD training is relevant. The hypermedia systems (GM - system) recently appear. It is a system that uses the most advanced technologies and is designed to increase the efficiency and intensify the processes of interaction between a person and the entire knowledge-related environment. The purpose of the work is to explain the basic concepts of hypertext and the functioning of the GM on the example of the training system «Architecture of civil and public buildings». Methodology of the research. The concepts of elements of the hypertext architecture are given: node, connection, system model, and hypertext database. A brief description of the hypermedia educational system «Architecture of civil and public buildings» is given, which contains information models of building layouts and is used in course design. The information model of a two-storey cottage has 12 modules designed for the planning of the building and its individual parts. Results. A hypertext database has been formed, including texts, graphics, calculations, reference data, available technical solutions, video information. Scientific novelty. A hypermedia training system «Architecture of civil and public buildings» was created, which contains information models of building layout. A new philosophy of presentation of the material has been proposed, which makes students learn the world differently and actively participate in the learning process. Practical significance. The training system is used in course design. Training is conducted by a lecturer. Thanks to the visualization, students have the opportunity to present more realistically not only individual, rather complex structural elements and components, but also the technology of construction of the building itself. For clarity, the training process uses educational films that allow students to be on the construction site without leaving the classroom.

Author Biographies

N. M. Ershova, Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies. Pridniprovsk State higher educational institution «Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», Chernyshevsky str., 24-a, Dnіprо, 49600

D. Sc. (Tech), Prof.

E. E. Litvin, Department of Architecture. State higher educational institution «Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», Chernyshevsky str., 24-a, Dnіprо, 49600

senior lecturer


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Computer systems and information technologies in education, science and management