Modeling of production capacity of enterprises which release different ecologically clean products
production capacity of enterprises, operational stability, production system, modeling of crisis situations, modeling systemAbstract
Goal. When using limited production resources critical and continuous interaction of enterprises in a single production system in the interests of obtaining mutual benefits in solving common problems to meet the needs of society. The production system will work efficiently, if its enterprises will operate stably. The purpose of the work is to investigate the stability of three separate enterprises and their behavior in crisis situations. Method. The output parameter characterizing the enterprise's performance is production capacity. When variable capital intensity of the main production assets of the enterprise, the production capacity is described by the system of two ordinary differential equations of the first order. To analyze the stability of the operation of an enterprise, it is necessary to obtain an analytical solution and a solution in the modeling system. A simulation scheme is formed and the user program is modeled. The simulation results are presented as graphs. In addition, there is a text editor that fixes the numerical data of the simulation results. Results. The analytical solution of the differential equation of production capacity with variable capital stock is obtained. A simulation scheme was created and graphs of production capacity of each enterprise were obtained. Crisis modeling is done for each enterprise. It is established that, despite the significant difference in the parameters of enterprises, their production capacity is not much different. For sustainable operation, enterprises must invest in the development of the main production. Enterprises can work in a single production system. Scientific novelty. A new approach to the formation of production systems is proposed. Before creating a production system, it is necessary to find out the possibilities of entering it: to check the stability of their functioning and behavior in crisis situations. Practical significance. The new approach will increase the efficiency of the production system.References
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