Features of the technology of cold regeneration of pavement structural layers


  • V. K. Zhdanyuk д.т.н., профессор, Ukraine
  • A. V. Govoruha аспирант, Ukraine


features, technology, regeneration, pavement.


Studies of the properties of concrete from cold mixtures based on milled asphalt concrete were carried out. The influence of the concentration and type of binder on the physico-mechanical properties of concrete is established. The influence of the concentration and type of binder on the adhesion strength of the layers arranged by the method of cold regeneration with asphalt concrete layers was studied.

Author Biographies

V. K. Zhdanyuk, д.т.н., профессор

National Automobile and Highway University ,. Kharkov

A. V. Govoruha, аспирант

National Automobile and Highway University ,. Kharkov


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