Reinforcement bar reinforcement


  • V. V. Dushin доц., Ukraine
  • O. V. Pigul аспирант, Ukraine
  • A. N. Lyapina


fittings, acrylic glue, cohesive and adhesive properties.


The article describes a method of fixing reinforcing bars with acrylic glue, depending on the viability of the adhesive composition and the diameter of the embedded core. The cohesive and adhesive properties of acrylic adhesives are investigated.

Author Biographies

V. V. Dushin, доц.

graduate student Sumy National Agrarian University

O. V. Pigul, аспирант

graduate student Sumy National Agrarian University

A. N. Lyapina

graduate student Sumy National Agrarian University


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ГОСТ 14760 – 69. Метод определения прочности клев при отрыве.



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