Principles of network formation and development of spatial structures of Sberbank institutions in urban areas


  • A. O. Borodіn магистр архитектуры, Ukraine
  • M. O. Borodіn к.т.н., доцент, Ukraine


network, development, Oschadbank institutions, city ​​building.


The main methodological provisions of the banking network development, defining the principles, techniques and priorities of the architectural design of buildings of banking institutions for the near future, taking into account the impact of socio-economic, scientific, technical, urban planning, natural and other factors, have been developed.

Author Biographies

A. O. Borodіn, магистр архитектуры

Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture

M. O. Borodіn, к.т.н., доцент

Dnieper State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture


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