Load-bearing capacity of a steel-concrete square column under axial compression


  • E. D. Chihladze д.т.н., проф., Ukraine
  • M. A. Verevicheva к.т.н., доц., Ukraine
  • L. B. Kravciv к.т.н., доц., Ukraine


square, Column, VAT.


A reinforced concrete rectangular column is considered under the action of an axial vertical load and its own weight. A contact is opened between the concrete core and the steel cage. The dependence of the mechanical characteristics of concrete on the level of the stressed state is taken into account. A mathematical model for determining VAT has been obtained, estimates of the clip effect have been performed.

Author Biographies

E. D. Chihladze, д.т.н., проф.

Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport

M. A. Verevicheva, к.т.н., доц.

Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport

L. B. Kravciv, к.т.н., доц.

Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport


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