Typical measures of energy saving in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems and evaluation of energy-saving effects


  • M. K. Suhonos к.т.н., Ukraine


energy saving, heating, ventilation.


The most priority directions of energy saving in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems have been identified, namely measures to reduce the annual thermal load on heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, which requires the implementation of a complex of architectural and planning measures and strengthening the thermal protection of the building. In the design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, rational types of systems should be preferred. At the same time, measures should be put in place to reduce energy consumption under operational conditions. Such activities are connected with the regulation of power systems. In this regard, a set of energy saving projects has been developed with an assessment of energy-saving effects for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, the implementation of which will increase the energy efficiency of industrial and communal enterprises.


Author Biography

M. K. Suhonos, к.т.н.

Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy


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Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes