Expected economic and technological effect from the introduction of innovative technologies into the process of production of interior finishing


  • O. S. Semidyanova аспирант, Ukraine


economic and technological effect, innovative technologies, production process.


The article considers the hypothesis about the possibility of improving the organization and technology of the implementation of interior finishing works and proves its reliability by comparing data approved by the application of normative documents and data that were obtained as a result of research. Due to the fact that the research was based on the method of timekeeping of the worker for, the obtained data can be considered correct with an accuracy of 75%. According to the results of the comparison it can be concluded that there is a need to revise these normative documents, and in some cases, the development of new technological maps and the calculation of technical and economic parameters for work on interior decoration in residential premises.


Author Biography

O. S. Semidyanova, аспирант

Запорожская государственная инженерная академия


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Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes