Induction heating of reinforced concrete structures


  • P. V. Popruga к.т.н., Ukraine
  • Є. M. Petrikova к.т.н., доцент, Ukraine
  • І. V. Macovka


induction, warming up, reinforced concrete.


Theoretical bases of induction heating of structures and products are given. Features of the use of induction heating technology for monolithic frame structures are considered. The advantages of the induction method of heat treatment and the urgency of further improvement and implementation in construction are given.

Author Biographies

P. V. Popruga, к.т.н.

State Enterprise "State Research Institute of Building Constructions"

Є. M. Petrikova, к.т.н., доцент

Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

І. V. Macovka

Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture


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