Cracking in monolithic reinforced concrete slabs from concrete shrinkage


  • G. A. Molodchenko д.т.н., проф., Ukraine
  • A. N. Sіromenko асс., Ukraine
  • A. Yu. Kulakov асс., Ukraine


Cracking, reinforced concrete, plates, shrinkage of concrete.


Based on the analysis of the constructive decision of the foundations, the peculiarities of the technology of their concreting, the stress-strain state of the system was studied and the cause of the appearance of cracks in the wall concrete due to shrinkage deformations was substantiated. Calculations obtained the maximum and minimum values of the distances between the cracks, which practically coincided with the fixed values under field conditions. Cracks in the foundation are arranged vertically, i. E. in the plane of action of the bending moments in the foundation, and therefore they do not affect the load-carrying capacity of the foundation itself, which operates according to the "console" scheme. To avoid shrinkage cracks, intensive watering of the structure is most often used in the first two to three weeks of the concrete strength set. Other measures are possible in the form of additives to compositions that prevent shrinkage or the use of non-shrinkable cements.

Author Biographies

G. A. Molodchenko, д.т.н., проф.

Kharkov National Academy of Municipal Economy. Harkov town

A. N. Sіromenko, асс.

Kharkov National Academy of Municipal Economy. Harkov town

A. Yu. Kulakov, асс.

Kharkov National Academy of Municipal Economy. Harkov town


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Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes