Technology of the device of thin-walled constructions from high-strength concrete by the method of rotational throwing with the use of elastic throwing devices


  • A. N. Livinsky Doctor of technical sciences, prof., Ukraine
  • V. Ya. Babichenko Ph.D., Assoc., Ukraine


technology, constructions, area.


The work is devoted to the scientific problem of developing an effective jet technology for concreting thin-walled structures in the construction site by applying new technological equipment in the form of flexible propellant devices which, as a result of intensive compaction of hard fine-grained concrete mixtures, produce extremely dense and high-strength concretes in a thin layer.


Author Biographies

A. N. Livinsky, Doctor of technical sciences, prof.

Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

V. Ya. Babichenko, Ph.D., Assoc.

Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture


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Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes