Diagnostics of reinforced concrete piles taking into account longitudinal and transverse vibrations


  • Yu. І. Kalyuh д.т.н., проф., Ukraine
  • A. Є. Vusatyuk м.н.с., Ukraine


diagnostics, reinforced concrete, models


This article gives an overview of existing methods of diagnostics of reinforced concrete piles and the theoretical models on which these methods are based. The justification is the need to create a new theoretical model that would take into account several types of waves. The procedure of constructing a three-wave model, taking into account the propagation of longitudinal and two types of transverse waves in a pile, is shown.

Author Biographies

Yu. І. Kalyuh, д.т.н., проф.

State Enterprise "State Research Institute of Building Structures" GP NIISK

A. Є. Vusatyuk, м.н.с.

State Enterprise "State Research Institute of Building Structures" GP NIISK


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