Mathematical modeling of the consumer heat supply system using the film type solar collector
collectors of film type, heat supply systems, math modelingAbstract
Purpose. To select optimal design parameters and calculate the characteristics of a film-type solar collector, it is necessary to develop a mathematical model of the entire heat supply system with solar collectors, as a model of a hydraulic circuit with nonisothermal flow, and to compile a mathematical model of fluid motion in a solar collector of film type. Findings. The characteristics of the heat supply system with several heat sources are given. The scheme and graph of the heat supply system is made. The variants of the equipment for the heat supply system and the design of the solar collector of the film type are proposed Practical value. For the design of tube gas heaters in structures needed to find optimal design parameters, such as capital and operating costs, efficiency and the others. Results for solving the problem of synthesis gas tube heaters in structures provide a positive impact on the optimal design of these systems. When looking for optimal solutions of the system proposed to use an evolutionary algorithm to find solutions. Results of the solution of this problem will provide positive effects for the design of these heaters.References
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