Solution of the problem of the fastest way out of a firm for a given demand


  • N. M. Ershova д.т.н., проф., Ukraine
  • I. V. Lavrenyuk соиск., Ukraine
  • O. N. Shibko соиск., Ukraine


Decision, OPF, a task.


The task of the fastest way out of the firm for a given need is solved by a simple search and using the Pontryagin maximum principle. The principle of maximum Pontryagin allows more justified decisions. With the increase in the flow of investment in the OPF, the process of the firm's exit to a given demand is accelerated.


Author Biographies

N. M. Ershova, д.т.н., проф.

Pridneprovskaya State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

I. V. Lavrenyuk, соиск.

Pridneprovskaya State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

O. N. Shibko, соиск.

Pridneprovskaya State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture


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Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes