Comparison of ecological and energy efficiency of pneumatic and pneumatic mechanical aeration in wastewater treatment in aerotanks


  • T. V. Dihtyar асист., Ukraine


 Ecological, efficiency, energy saving


An ecological and energy comparison of pneumatic and pneumatic mechanical aeration was conducted. Areas of rational use of pneumatic and pneumatic mechanical aeration are determined. It is shown that in air bubbles diameters  d 6-8 μm, it is advisable to use pneumatic mechanical aeration, and with smaller air bubbles - pneumatic aeration. The environmental effectiveness of pneumatic aeration does not depend on the flow of waste water. The use of pneumatic mechanical aeration provides energy savings compared to pneumatic aeration. Key words: aerotank, pneumatic aeration, pneumatic mechanical aeration, sewage, energy efficiency, ecological efficiency.


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Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes